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Good Friday is followed as a national level holiday in Canada and is falling on the 15th of April this year. It is a religious holiday as well as a national holiday in many countries like Canada. Furthermore, holds massive religious significance to all the Christian world. It occurs on the Friday before the Easter and the religious and holy day commemorates the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the prophet of Christianity and his birth date is celebrated on the 25th of December and is known as ‘The Christmas Day’. Another day of vital significance that is followed all over the vast Christian world.

The two most important dates and events in Christianity that are marked as highly religious are the birth & later the resurrection of Jesus Christ. According to the beliefs of the Christians, Jesus Christ was the son of God. In addition to this, his teachings and his sayings are the foundation of the gorgeous religion Christianity. The cross is famously used as the symbol of the Christian faith. Hence, as Jesus was tied and nailed by the wrists and feet to a large wooden cross and left to die.


In the first glance, especially for those who are new to Christianity and its beliefs, it seems a strange name. Especially, for a day that marked the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. However, having looked more closely at the origin of the name it becomes clear, or even clearer. If there was one origin that people would agree on. There are more than one opinion that relates to the origin of the name, and these are due to the number of historical happenings or stories that relates to Good Friday. Some people are even of the opinion that it comes from the usage of the word “Good”. Hence, as an adjective applied to the day. ‘Good’ is an old English synonym for the word ‘Holy’. Therefore, people tend to recognize it with the word Holy Friday as Good Friday. However, some of the Christians perceive the day as ‘good’, just because they think that the message of Easter is good. Simply, a message of Christ’s victory over the sin, death and the devil indeed. The New Testament is also known as the Gospel, which is also a Greek word for “Good News”.

There are also minor conflicts in how the name should be called, i.e. ‘Good Friday’. It is also worth noting that this confusion in the name is mainly confined to Western European. Apart from the Western European, the North American Christians. The Eastern Orthodox Christians call it ‘Great and Holy’ Friday. However, due to some superstitious and religious reasons it is known as “Friday of Mourning” in Germany. Furthermore,  “Long Friday” in the great Scandinavian nation Norway.

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There are a variety of traditions that are followed on the occasion of Good Friday in different Christian dominated countries. In most countries, and in Canada as well the church services are held in the afternoon. Usually, between the hours of noon to 3 pm. This is merely as a remembrance to the hours and time when Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. Hence, the depiction of the final hours of Jesus Christ life and moments he passed in pain and agony. There are other churches in the world that show their participation with a different flavor. These churches participate in Veneration of the cross. Hence, a ceremony in which the Christians kneel before the cross and affirm their faith.

In the holy Christian city and the home town of the Pope, it’s not a public holiday. Neither it’s a public holiday in Italy, as Vatican City is the city inside the Capital of Italy, Rome. The Pope on this day, i.e. Good Friday will say a mass at the Vatican before leads an annual public prayer of the Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum in Rome. Finally, as part of the traditions in the city Rome, a procession is then made to the Palatine Hill. Finally, accompanied with a huge cross that is covered in burning torches.

Traditions that are followed in the large Christian world differs due to geographical locations. However, most people do pay tributes to the Christ. Hence, as well as remember the teachings of Christ in prayers & sermons.


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It is part of the traditional Good Friday treat in UK, Canada and Australia. Hot Cross buns are sweet buns and are made from yeast dough augmented with raisins. Also, includes currants and sometimes a little citron. The traditions of making Hot Cross buns is a very medieval one, i.e. going back in the 16th Century. Once the Good Friday is over, the hot cross buns treats are likely to be seen until the next year. It gives a unique flavor to the traditions and customs that are followed on occasion of Good Friday.

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