Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra have officially announced their wedding on the same day, changing their wedding status. The wedding took place in Rajasthan and the couple shared cute announcement pictures on Instagram. Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra had their pheras adorned with only their close family and friends attending, ANI reports. Wedding bands formed from New Delhi arrived at the wedding venue on the day of the ceremony. The groom arrived with the white traditional horse. To include the mehndi, the sangeet & the haldi as reported were the wedding festivities.
“Shaadi ho gayi (the wedding has ended),” said members of the wedding band. As well as an individual leading the horse away from the wedding venue today. In the past, photos of wedding preparations of Kiara Advani & Sidharth Malhotra were viral. Also, including the horse being groomed with flowers. Furthermore, the umbrellas decorated for the baraat and many more.
A member of the crew has said how the wedding lhenga was pink. Thus, while the groom’s outfit was white. In addition to this, Director Karan Johar danced like no one was watching at the baraat of Kiara Advani & Sidharth Malhotra
We were able to see the wedding attire in official photos shared by newlyweds. Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra shared three pictures of themselves from the wedding ceremony. Including, one which shows Sidharth Malhotra placing kisses upon his wedding bride. “Ab humari permanent booking hogayi hai… We seek your blessings and love on our journey ahead,” the wrote alongside the photographs from their wedding.
Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra wedding ceremony. An event which took place in Suryagarh Palace near Jaisalmer. Shahid Kapoor & Mira Rajput, were the two who were the attendees. Furthermore, Director Karan Johar was also there. Also, Isha Ambani, Anand Piramal, and Juhi Chawla along with her husband Jay Mehta. Shahid along with Kiara Advani were co-stars in the movie Kabir Singh. Karan Johar is a mentor to both Kiara Advani & Sidharth Malhotra, i.e. the bride and the groom. He directed Sidharth Malhotra in the 2012 movie Student Of The Year. Further, directed Kiara in Lust Stories.
Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra became lovers while filming the 2021’s film Shershaah. A movie which stars Sidharth Malhotra in the role of Kargil. His role Captain Vikram Batra, and Kiara Advani acting as lover Dimple Cheema. Kiara was previously appeared as a character in Govinda Naam Mera. She appeared with Vicky Kaushal and Bhumi Pednekar, is currently in Satyaprem Ki Katha which she will be seen in with Kartik Aaryan. As well as, a Telugu film starring Ram Charan in the works. Sidharth Malhotra latest project Mission Majnu released last month. Apart from this, he is scheduled to appear in Yodha.