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There are many endangered species due to the effects of climate change or many other reasons all over the globe. Some of the most common endangered species in the world includes the Giant Panda, Tiger, Blue whale, Asian elephants, sea otter, Snow leopard & Gorilla. Also found in Canada as well as in China is the Giant Panda. Hence, as being one of the most endangered species in the world, belongs from the bear family. All the mentioned endangered species are taken special care of, regarded as one of the challenges of the Eco-system

Furthermore, how to combat these challenges mostly considered as hazards for their survival. An example of the dangers associated with endangered species in Asia is the ‘Tiger hunting’. According to the Wildlife Protection Act, this is something that was banned for a limited time period. This is for the restoration of the population of Tigers. One of the biggest challenges for endangered species in vast land Canada is the ‘Climate Change’.

The extreme weather conditions that can get volatile. Exposing the lifestyles of many species apart from the habitats, due to the warming temperatures. Especially, in the North of Canada in a vulnerable position. According to senior species specialist from WWF i.e. Worldwide Fund Canada, explained there are direct and indirect impacts of climate change on certain species.

Some of the most endangered species found in Canada are discussed below;

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Vancouver Island Marmot, as the name suggests is found in Vancouver, British Columbia. According to COSEWIC it is Canada’s most endangered mammal for many obvious reasons. The Vancouver Island Marmot is from the rodent family endemic to Vancouver Island. Not found anywhere in the world is the rodent type, as this naturally means. Therefore, coming in the range of rare species from the Canadian regions. This is according to research that has given close estimates. There are approximately 200 Vancouver Island Marmot left in the world, and the worry is regards to the numbers. Before being released into the wild, many of them are raised in captivity. The Vancouver Island Marmot lives in colonies in the mountains on the Vancouver Island. It has threats from Wolves, Cougars and a loss of habitat. Hence, all this has been a huge cause of their numbers getting low.

The Climate Change taking place in Canada has been a huge cause. Moreover, as it has resulted in the growth of coniferous trees. These are up the slope of the mountains that the marmots live on. Hence, this has caused the habitat to shrink. Ironically, as too many trees can restrict the ability of the rodents to see their predators approaching for food. Furthermore, in warmer temperatures due to effects of climate change. Hence, it gets for them difficult to hibernate in snow in the winter season. In other words the hibernation gets difficult in the warmer temperatures.


Found in the Canadian waters is a form of fish called Chinook Salmon. They live in the colder upper reaches of the Pacific Ocean. On top of this, they breed in freshwater rivers and streams in the Pacific Northwest. A kind of fish species that is vital for the system as they enrich the terrestrial and the freshwater ecosystems. Also considered as a highly important food source for species. Also includes, southern resident killer whale as well as the Steller Sea Lion.

This is according to the WWF that the warming weather temperatures are greatly impacting. Obviously, the ability of the fish for the sake of migrations. For food and for the purpose of spawning, the migration has restrictions to certain areas.


‘The Unicorn of the Sea’ is the other name for the Narwhal. This is primarily due to its distinct spiralled tusk. The Narwhal is sensitive to the effects of melting ice in the Arctic. The reason for this is because the whale uses the ice for the sake of feeding. Also for the sake of protecting itself from the potential predators. According to the WWF the Narwhals are moving much closer to the shorelines. This is where the food is scarce, the reason being the new presence of the killer whales.

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According to an environmentalist, studies have shown that Narwhal is more vulnerable of all the arctic marine mammals. Due to the huge threats that have been posed by climate change.


The North Atlantic Right Whale is included in the list of endangered & threatened species, and the reason is it is critically endangered. For the North Atlantic Right Whale, the limited amount of numbers left in the world is four hundred.

According to the WWF, the large whales spend the summer and fall in the Canadian waters. This is along the eastern seaboard and migrate to southern waters of the United States, i.e. during the winter season.

As a result of Climate Change and Global warming in the Ocean. A Copepod, i.e. an invertebrate is a food source for The North Atlantic Right Whale. This food source is moving towards areas of no protections in place. Particularly, as the North Atlantic Right Whale follows them in those areas. These movements are more or less towards the North to colder waters. This is a sad story that is similar to The Southern Resident Killer Whales, according to the conservationists.

The Conservationists further added that we are celebrating every birth that is happening. Hence, as well as keeping a track of each and every death. This is vitally because it’s a population that is in trouble, and already just below five hundred. Every single birth and death is a matter that needs analysis. Simply, due to the small amount of numbers of North Atlantic Right Whale left in the world.

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