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Alex Jones ordered to pay $965 Million U.S. Over Sandy Hook Claims


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The conspiracist Alex Jones should pay $965 million US to victims from his false assertion of it was all a hoax. Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was an omen the jury in Connecticut has ruled on Wednesday.

It’s the 2nd significant decision for the show’s hosts. That is, for his constant publicising of the falsehood that the massacre of 2012 did not happen. Furthermore, that the devastated families featured in media coverage were actors. These were actors, who were part of a plan to confiscate guns from people.

The case was part of a lawsuit brought by the families of three children. Furthermore, five teachers killed in the mass shooting. As well as the FBI agent that was one of the first to arrive at the scene. The Texas juror in the month of August handed more than 50 million US. Thus, towards the family of a second slain child.

Also Read : Sandy Hook family’s lawyers given Alex Jones texts by mistake

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Robbie Parker, who lost his daughter of six years, Emilie. Said outside the courtroom in tears “what we managed to achieve was to simply speak the truth.”

However, he said with a voice that broke: “It shouldn’t be this difficult, and it shouldn’t be so frightening.”

Jones was not in court, but did react to the Infowars show.

The courtroom video showed names of the plaintiffs read out in addition to the jury’s awards for each of them. Jones stated that he did not mention their names.

“All invented. Funny,” he said. “So this is how is a show trial like. This is an uncontrollable mess.” and out of the control.”

The lawyer for Jones, Norm Pattis, said the verdict was more than what he was expecting. He is planning to appeal.

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The trial featured tearful testimonies from the parents and siblings of the victims. They spoke of the ways they were hounded and harassed. Throughout their lives by those who believed in the lies Jones told on his show.

Parents of victims of harassment spoke about the harassment

They claimed that strangers turned at their residences to take photos and posted abusive messages through social media.

Erica Lafferty, the daughter of the murdered Sandy Hook principal Dawn Hochsprung. She testified that people sent the threat of rape to her residence. Mark Barden told the court that conspiracy theorists been urinating upon the tombstone of his son. Seven years old, Daniel, and threatened to remove the coffin.

As a witness during the trial Jones acknowledged that he was incorrect in his assessment of Sandy Hook. The shooting happened Jones declared. However, both in the courtroom as well as on his talk show He was determined.

The judge called the proceedings an “kangaroo court,” ridiculed the judge. Furthermore, called the lawyer representing the plaintiffs an ambulance chaser. Apart from this, described the trial as an affront to freedom of speech rights. He claimed that it was a plot to be carried out by Democrats. Hence, along with the media and Democrats to silence him and to put his business in jeopardy.

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“I’ve already said ‘I’m sorry hundreds of times, and I’m done apologizing,” he said during his testimony.

Six adults and twenty children were killed in the shooting that occurred on December. 14 the 14th of December, 2012. The trial for defamation was held in a courthouse located in Waterbury. Approximately, 32 miles away from Newtown in the area where the incident occurred.

Jones is accused of making money from mass murder

The lawsuit was filed by Jones and Infowars its subsidiary company. Free Speech Systems, of using the mass slaughter to increase his popularity and generate millionaires. Experts have testified that Jones’s following was boosted. Thus, when Jones introduced Sandy Hook a topic on the show. In addition to this, so did the revenue derived from sales of products.

The Texas lawsuit as well as in Connecticut the judges held the company accountable for damages owed by default. Because, Jones did not comply in compliance with court guidelines regarding the sharing of evidence. Furthermore, failed to provide documents that could have revealed the extent. Ironically, to which Infowars made money by knowingly disseminating false information about the mass murders.

As he had already been considered to be guilty. Jones was barred from speaking about free speech rights. Alternatively, other subjects during his testimonies.

Jones will now stand another trial in Texas at the close of the year. This is a lawsuit brought by parents of a child who was killed by the gunshot.

It’s not clear how much in the judgements Jones could afford to pay. In his trial in Texas Jones testified that the judge could not afford any verdict exceeding $2 million.

Free Speech Systems has filed for bankruptcy protection. However, an economist testified in the Texas proceedings. The claim that Jones and his company were worth as high as $270 million.

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