Canada has a huge role in alliance with UNICEF Canada for their fight against the child labour. UNICEF or United Nations International Children’s Emergency Funds is the global organisation that fights against the child labour. Furthermore, also for interest of children all over the world. The aim of the organisation is to fight against child slavery, child labour, and child trafficking. Apart from this, against using children for beggary in poor and developing nations. In addition to this, UNICEF also deals with issues of children related to education & child abuse. Most importantly, why children are getting deprived of their basic rights of education since their childhood.
These are key facts that are especially true in the developing nations and the underdeveloped economies. These are economies that can even be termed as poor countries or deprived nations. Education is an issue that UNICEF is fighting globally on a much larger scale to reduce the number of children that are being deprived annually of their education rights. Hence, June 12 is a globally recognised day as the World Day against child labour. According to the definition of child labour that is highlighted by UNICEF. Specifically, it is the work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their most wanted dignity. Also, something that is harmful for physical and mental development.
The world along with Canada is committed to end child labour by the year 2025. It was a pact in 2015 that the UN member states adopted as 17 Global goals for sustainable development. In the UN pact of goals, the goal 8.7 includes the ending of all sort of forced labour. Also includes, the elimination of modern slavery and child labour by the year 2025.
The elimination of child labour will be a huge step in addressing poverty, strengthen economies and positively influence education. Also, the health & protection systems internationally. Hence, bringing an end to child labour by the year 2025 is one of the biggest international agendas of the UN Member states. The primary goal is focused highly on the developing world. These are the nations that are the largest exponents of child labour in this world.
Canada is not far behind in the fight against child labour. ILO or International Labour organisation is the controlling & monitoring body of labour globally. Canada has ratified the ILO minimum age convention for child labour which is set to the minimum age of 15. Furthermore, it prohibits hazardous work for young workers. These requirements fulfils the key requirements restrictions that includes age. On top of this, prohibition of hazardous work especially for very young workers.
This is indeed a huge step that Canada has taken towards the elimination of child labour, making education a vital priority. Furthermore, ensuring appropriate employment for the youth. Hence, while shaking their hands with UNICEF, Canada’s young people also have the right to protection from work that is safe. Alternatively, something that interferes with school, rest and healthy development.
How large companies can make a difference is vital in the role that organisations play to eliminate child labour. This is indeed the responsibility of the private sector that has a big role to play in eliminating child labour. This also includes the establishing of legal supply chains and the business practices.
Also, providing decent work for young workers, while ensuring the protection and safety of children. A massive part that companies can play in this regards is through the adoption of the children’s rights and business principles. Especially, for the sake of respecting and supporting the children’s rights.
Education is the basic right of every child who is born today in this modern scientific world. The provision of safe, high-quality and accessible education is an encouragement for families to send their working children to school. Thus, a step that if taken by the maximum number of families will definitely break the poverty cycle. Also, to bring education to higher priority levels. This trend needs to be taken and implemented in the developing nations with immediate effect in alliance with UNICEF. The most vital organisation that has taken improved steps for the biggest fight against child labour & other issues related to child exploitation.
The steps taken by UNICEF every day is bringing the world closer to eliminate child labour to reach the UN goals by the end of year 2025.