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Canada has increased its annual immigration targets to a figure of 400K immigrants per year until 2023. Migration control of 2019-20 are a major cause of Govt.’s change of policies & developments. Reasons are more linked to the disturbances that are global as well as in Canada to a huge extent. The fact that immigration Canada knows the number of new comers that they should be accepting globally is keeping in mind the economic system in Canada, economic values & in some parts the literary values. All these values have some major & in some provinces highly major contributions from the immigrants. People coming from all over the world contribute to the Canadian economy in terms of education, business & trade & other financial aspects that are interlinked with the economy of Canada.

The fact cannot be denied that amongst the countries opted for foreign education & research, Canada is placed globally on the 4th position after USA, UK & Australia. More importantly with new universities & colleges with higher standards built all across Canada the numbers are increasing every day.

Canada is more significantly a land of much greater opportunities as it used to be in time of early 80’s when the struggle was fresh and population & population density figures were significantly on a low. As Canada is the 2nd Largest country area-wise & the largest in North America, the infrastructure has expanded with significant measures to rise in economic values especially in cities like Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary, & Vancouver. The amalgamation of high-rise, increase in man-power, investments in Universities & research & many other factors including sports have been great contributors to these cities high living standards & lifestyle. The province Ontario in this regards has emerged with greater significance.


The 2021-2023 Immigration Levels Plan of 400K aims to welcome over 60% of all immigrants under economic class program. This also includes through express entry & through Provincial Nominee Program. The Immigration Level plan are one of the most important announcements. The announcement frequency is every year regards to Canadian immigration policies. Hence, this largely depends on the economic situation of the country as well. Taken as candidates, the number of in-takes are based on these annual announcements for immigration numbers. Hence, for different programs also including Provincial nominee program. The categories under which Canada welcomes its immigrants are economic, family, refugee, and humanitarian and compassionate grounds.

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Since many years Canada is maintaining its high immigration targets & this year they increased the numbers to larger extents due to the current ongoing economic crisis. Why since many years these numbers have been largely maintained is to offset the negative economic & fiscal impacts of the ageing population of Canada & its relatively low birth rate as compared to rest of the countries.

According to demographics & statistics the country has one of the world’s oldest populations, with a huge 18% of the population being age 65 and over. Also has one of the lowest birth rates i.e. 1.47 births per woman. Because of these numbers Canada shall be facing immense amount of challenges related to its spending in the near future. Increasing the number of annual immigration is a simple answer to this growing concern related to migrations. These new migrants will support the labour force of Canada & automatically the economic growth.

A brief history illustrates that since the founding of Canada in 1867. The vast country has welcomed over 300,000 immigrants annually just five times. Therefore, the country is welcoming 0.9% of its population in immigrants. Furthermore, these figures are three times higher than the capita new comer intake in United States.


Impacts of COVID-19 had huge effects on the levels of immigration in Canada along with Provincial numbers. This has resulted in huge drops in level of new comers coming to Canada in 2020. Furthermore, this is also a major concern and a cause. More importantly, increasing the level of immigration in next 3 years to 400K per year. The low figures have been partially due to the number of people approved permanent residence. Hence, due to the circumstances in COVID-19. As many were unable to travel to Canada. Furthermore, there immigration documents expired due to travel restrictions in place in Canada.

Significantly, the Govt. plans to balance the effects with 400K immigration targets & other measures that are already in place. These measures are a shadow of the economic values of Canada & an answer as to why immigrants play such a huge role in its policy framework?

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