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The preventive evacuation procedures are extremely important to the residence of any community. This usually happens when there is a risk to the community regards to a flood, fire, contamination or other harsh conditions.

All these conditions usually occur if the water levels rise due to heavy rainfalls. Hence, resulting in accumulated snow that melts too quickly, and uncontrollable forest fires.


The Ministry monitor’s an area where they feel the people could be at risk of such conditions surrounding their community. The evacuation of Kashechewan in 2019 was due to the rising waters of the river. The selection of the City of Timmins was because of a strong relationship with the Indigenous community.

Therefore, the Federal Govt. is working to resolve this is a more sustainable way. The reason is because the residence of this community have to leave their homes. The warnings rise almost on yearly basis, the reason being severe weather conditions.

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This process was an overall success. All possible facilitation was made for the evacuees, including the recreational services. Hence, kids were also provided with the schoolwork continuity services.

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They were missing their school due to the contingency procedures. Therefore, a facility was set up that restored the life of the residents with activities. All these activities for kids included re-creation, educational, playing and teaching kids.

Preventive Evacuation
The Preventive Evacuation Process : A key Highlight

Precautionary Expulsion – Preventive Evacuation

Huge credit goes to the emergency management services and Met Office. The reasons that flooding could have resulted was forecast rise in the water levels. The two firms involved are INAC and Gervais Emergency Consulting. They are one of the best consultancy firms working together with the government for future damage control procedures. The rise in water levels can be dangerous in extreme weather conditions. Therefore, key measures are taken for the prevention and mega disturbances. The main aim is reductions in risk. So, as part of flood management all was made possible. The risks could have been damage to property, the risk to life, and incurring huge financial losses.

The awareness of Health & Safety procedures is an integral part of the flood management & evacuation process, especially during the preventive stages of an evacuation. Water-borne diseases are mostly related to floods. Floods can happen because of rises in water levels. Therefore, there should be aware of all diseases. The diseases are typhoid fever, cholera, lepidopterist & Hepatitis A, and people should have the know-how to tackle them.

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The Senator Hotel together with the Federal Govt. has played its part in the housing of people. They have also provided food and provisions to the evacuees.

Hence, they have been efficient in playing their roles by accommodating evacuees and treating them well. Also providing them services in Hotel as they have worked together with INAC i.e. Indigenous & Northern Affairs, & private sector firm Gervais Emergency Consulting.

They have also worked with the Canadian Red Cross to give support services to the evacuees on international grounds. It is indeed a big achievement for the Senator hotel, as they have been an example in making sustainability efforts.


The damage control priorities & services to evacuees have set benchmarks for the hotel & hospitality industry. Hotel management played a devastating role in the provision of services. It is a mandatory factor to ‘Manage Resources ‘in such adverse conditions. The management has risen to the expectations in a highly efficient manner.


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Hence, they have not only managed resources. They have also demonstrated good staff management in key hours. Accommodating 400 people, naturally not an easy task. The Hotel higher management did all efforts to make things possible.

They worked long hours with the staff in solving issues of accommodation along with the Canadian Red Cross. The efforts should be appreciated on a larger scale, as they made an example in the Hotel Industry.

Certificate - Preventive Evacuation
The Certificate of Acknowledgement from ‘The City Of Timmins’, Mayor George Pirie. A recognition of the Efforts during the 2019 Kashechewan Evacuation. It is deep thanks from the City to the Senator Hotel, highly recognizing their efforts in solidarity with Kashechewan Evacuation 2019 Process. preventive evacuation


The Hotel was awarded a certificate in recognition of the preventive evacuation efforts. Honorary Mayor of Timmins, George Pirie highly acknowledged the services of the Hotel Staff. The certificate mentions and deeply acknowledges the help & support provided during the 2019 Kashechewan Evacuation. The process was a tough one. Therefore, the City of Timmins acknowledged the efforts of the residents of the community. All of them were highly respected and accommodated in the Senator Hotel. They really showed how Canadians help their citizens when needed.




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MB Enterprises is an independent, Canada based business solutions and services providing group that is envisioned to lead the industry through trend-setting innovation and ground-breaking ideas.

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