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The World patient Safety Day that will be celebrated on September 17th, 2023’. Obviously, is an annual day of celebration for the patients. For sake of patients of the world, the day is observed globally. Apart from this, is a tribute to their safety under critical circumstances. Just recently the pandemic COVID-19 was a major cause of many deaths not only in Canada. But, all over the world. Most of the deaths occurred in UK, USA, Italy & India & China are countries in Asia where they took place. Patient safety is a matter of massive concern. Regarded as the developing nations as these are the countries especially. These are countries, where the health system is lacking or lagging behind. Especially, in terms of the standards of treatments that are provided. Also, the standards that really are lagging behind as compared to the West.

The prime focus of WHO also known as World Health Organisation. Ironically, is to maintain standards for the patients all over the world. Thus, with special significance attached to developing nations. In addition to this, the under-developed nations that are mostly countries in Africa. These are countries that includes Somalia & Ethiopia. The two African nations, which are highly lacking in the infrastructure. Especially, the health infrastructure.


THE WORLD PATIENT SAFETY DAY – ‘Taking Place on Sept 17th’:

The world patient safety day which is a day of special dedication as recommended by World Health Organisation (WHO). Thus, will be taking place on Sept 17. The motive & mission for the patients is to raise global awareness. As well as, drive worldwide intervention for safety of patients. It is one of the most vital observance that inspires the countries all over the globe. Simply, to prioritise patient safety in the healthcare system.

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Health Canada is a Govt. department that monitors, regulates & governs the various health care services & hospitals in Canada. NHS or National Health Service holds a similar task in UK. Precisely, regards to the health matters. Apart from this, the hospitalisation issues. The day is celebrated in Canada. As well in accordance with the laws. In alliance with Govt. of Canada. Regulated by Health Canada as these are the laws. Also, the WHO or World Health Organisation.

The day also highly focuses on the use of the latest technology available for the patients. Apart from this, how patients shall be able to benefit from that. Made in the healthcare systems. Hence, alongside the substantial progress that is made. That is, over the span of decades. The healthcare system which is the global healthcare system. Certainly, has become more complex with new technology. The medicines and the new treatments that are being introduced especially. The use of medicines is one of the mandatory things. Furthermore, the level of awareness regards to using the medicines. Especially, with regards to keeping their expiry in mind is an essential thing.


The World patient safety day has a timeline which started post World War II. For the sake of observance, since the day was created, i.e. 1948. Significantly, that is a global observance in 2019.

Started in 1948 the journey that takes us to 2019. As a special day of significance, the year when it was dedicated by WHO. In 1948 the health assembly was founded. Furthermore, it was the world’s highest health-policy setting body. Established is WHA or the World Health Assembly.

Later in the timeline, although after many years in 2015 came the German Coalition. Thus, in 2015 the German Coalition for Patient Safety starts advocating for World Patient Safety Day.

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In 2016, The Global Ministerial Summits on the Patient Safety Day was conducted for the very first time. Approximately, seven years from today signifying. Furthermore, expanding its global image worldwide.


Finally, in the year 2019, in month of Sept precisely. The World Patient Safety day was observed & initiated for the very first time. The day was initiated by the World Health Assembly in accordance with World Health Organisation (WHO). That is, the global health regulatory body.


The day is gaining global significance every year since it started in 2019. Precisely, four years from today. Regarded as a day of special significance, furthermore. The importance in both developed countries & developing world is increasing. Hence, due to some mandatory practices. Also, most vital reasons. These are key reasons, regarded as important in the field of healthcare.

A key reason for the significance of the day is that it improves the healthcare delivery.  Initially created was the day. So that people don’t ignore the mandatory safety of the patient in healthcare. A practice if adopted on a regular basis. Thus, shall be a massive cause of advantage. Also, with priority it aims to establish community and patient programs. These are the programs, that are ones that simply spark discussions. Importantly, for the sake of improving the healthcare delivery.

The day is important as it drives the govt. to act. Obviously, as this is an observance that is an inspiration for the government. Particularly, for sake of taking proactive steps for sake of patient safety. The Govt. irrespective of the countries involved obviously as priorities for health set in Canada. Obviously, might differ from that in East Africa or Middle East. The implementation of strategies of change with regularity for sake of managing the risks to the patient’s health. Obviously, they are improving their safety greatly.

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Lastly, it is a cause of encouraging the collaborations. The many number of events organized to mark the World Safety Day. Also, unites the Govts. of many countries apart from local & international organisations. Precisely, for sake of forming alliance and partnerships that shall work towards improving the global healthcare.



The level of importance for the healthcare can’t in any way be ignored. Especially, after a specific day is dedicated for the Safety of Patients.

ALSO READ: DEMOCRACY INT. DAY– Celebrating the Power of Democracy

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