The World’s Obesity day shall be celebrated on the 4th of March 2023’. Obviously, as a day of global awareness for the people who are obese. Also, for those who are over-weight & are getting closer to Obesity Level 1. The 3 levels of obesity, i.e. Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 are all dangerous for the health of a person. Hence, while the level 1 being the least & 3 being the most. Obesity is highly linked with the eating habits of people. Also, the environment & trends in a country or sample population. Finally, the rest of the demographics which includes the general trends that relates to eating & dining habits.
World Obesity Day, a day observed on 4th March 2023’ is a day that is observed every year. A regular practice since 2015. The day was established in 2015 as an annual campaign with the goal of stimulating & supporting practical actions. These are actions that will help people achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Furthermore, reverse the global obesity crisis.
The increasing Global obesity crisis is North America’s growing concern & a very critical health issue. It’s an issue that relates heavily to the health & fitness of people. Obviously, their heart issues & making them prone to heart diseases as well as lowering their confidence levels. The observance of a day, especially being a global observance in the World primarily relates to fighting obesity. More importantly, making a statement against the obesity, the over use of junk food and a very unhealthy eating environment & culture. It’s the level of awareness that needs to expand for people. These are the people, who are not aware of how being unhealthy or obese. Thus, can even lead to lower life expectancy. Love your life & eat healthy food is the motive behind the day.
The mission of future, i.e. the mission on the upcoming World Obesity day, i.e. 4th March 2023 aims for the theme ‘Changing Perspectives: Let’s Talk About Obesity’. It’s also about promoting a culture of walking, jogging & regular exercising. Hence, just for the sake of reducing levels of obesity. Finally, the tendencies to gain unwanted weight.
The vision & the goal is to change perspectives & to correct the misconceptions. Thus, regarding for being overweight. Also, to end stigmas and get everybody making the right decision to shift from single views to shared strategies.
The phrase ‘Everybody needs to ACT’ is a tagline that simply means it’s everyone who needs to take this agenda very seriously. Apart from this, for sake of good results & a charming personality. Controlled or re-considered if needs be, i.e. your regular diet. Ironically, you need to do that on a much regular basis. Invest in a healthy diet plan. Apart from this, create an environment where you need to ACT. Precisely, for sake of healthy habits and a healthy eating culture. You deserve the change and the change you need is in your own hands. Obviously, you just need to ACT.
While on your way back from the office or in the break you are having a very unhealthy diet. That is, fries, coke and the biggest hamburger. Every day, you are following the same diet with a slight change. However, it is one day that you realise that you are unfit. Maybe, sticking with the same diet can spoil your physique. Especially, will make you bulky or if you are already fat, it can bring you closer to levels of obesity.
Just grip the situation, for sake of future stress. Be more conscious straight away or via World Obesity Day. You need to know the pros & cons of a fatty diet. Alternatively, a diet full of junk food with high levels of cholesterol.
World obesity day is an observance that aims to make you look smart. Also, a realisation of a situation that can get out of control. It’s your health that you need to monitor every day, & keep a track of your weight while being weight conscious. Don’t lose your confidence, in fact gain your confidence levels. Furthermore, beware of what stress can do to you if you are overweight. Being unhealthy is something else. However, being overweight is a run towards obesity.
Eight years back as an observance was the establishment of the World Obesity Day. That is, 2015 as Obesity is a global crisis. According to the statistics it is an issue that affects 660 million people worldwide. The numbers are increasing every day. Hence, while the awareness levels are a bit on the lower side.
According to the experts, the issue is poorly understood by people. Primarily, due to lack of awareness prior to when it was established as an observance, i.e. in 2015.
The World Obesity Day observed in the year 2017 was a day where in association with WHO, i.e. World Health Organisation there were measures taken very seriously. These includes Governments & health service providers. Also, the insurers and NGOs and philanthropic organisations to provide investments in tackling obesity. The investment in obesity treatment services. Apart from this, early intervention and prevention.
A realisation which is important is regards to what needs doing for sake of healthy future. Prevention of diseases that includes, Diabetes & Cardio diseases. Also, Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease, New Cancer Cases and finally depression. The last one being a common syndrome which heavily relates to obesity. Thus, along with its different levels.