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The second wave of COVID-19 is expected to arrive soon. Hence, according to some experts from WHO, the wave can turn out to be dangerous as well. COVID-19 & its associated hazards and risks are all in people’s awareness program since the first wave. Importantly, there is plenty that still needs to be done while handling the associated ill effects. COVID-19, also known as Corona-virus, originated from China. Hence, it later spread in almost the rest of the world with huge impacts in United States & United Kingdom. Also includes, Italy and later in India and Brazil. These countries tops the list of nations in terms of the registered cases. Furthermore, also the casualties that resulted from the pandemic, i.e. a unique one in history.

In many countries, where people are working remotely from home. Due to the intensity of COVID-19, there are some ironic mental health issues that people need to handle.

These are some of the tips that will definitely help in encountering the second wave of COVID-19;


Why, is it necessary to learn from the First Wave?’ a question that is asked by many individuals who are still fighting & handling mental health issues due to COVID-19. ‘As they say, first impression is the last impression’. Hence, similarly the second wave shall be a complete shadow of the first one is not completely true. However, the second wave will have most effects associated with the first wave that has been a complete disaster. This is in terms of financial as well as human losses. Taking some fruitful lessons from the first wave shall definitely help taking & handling precautions that are necessary in future.

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As most people are now well aware of the impacts of COVID-19 and what it takes while handling them. Hence, this is also true that the predicted magnitude of losses will be lesser than what they were in the first wave.


Strictly monitoring your tech diet and how much digital media you need to use should be strictly monitored. As due to many people working remotely from home in the pandemic lock-down days. Therefore, the significant use of technology has automatically increased. This has happened simultaneously, as people are working more often remotely. The need of the hour is to have a check on how much you need to work online. This is concurrently while working remotely, i.e. from home. This is in order to balance and minimise the mental health problems. The issues that people have been encountering since the first wave of lock-down happened. Ironically, balancing your tech diet in normal circumstances is also highly critical. Therefore, in times of a complete lock down it is important that maintenance should be there.

A study of July 2020′ from statistics Canada shows that more than 60% of Canadians aged 20 and older have been watching T.V. and using the internet more frequently during the first wave. Effective use of the technology, lacks balance in current times of pandemic. Regards to the associated mental health problems , its not indeed a good enough practice.


‘Self-Care’ is not only a precautionary attitude, it’s a responsibility that individuals must always adapt in a pandemic situation. If people will make it their second nature to follow precautionary measures they will never have to worry for the second wave consequences. Due to the intensity of cold weather being on a higher side. The expectations are that second wave can have higher dangers due to global climatic concerns. Taking care while handling of your own mind and body, through regular sleeps, meditation exercises, walking and regular fitness regimes will surely help individuals fight the pandemic in second wave of COVID-19 as well.

‘There is no health without mental health’ and it’s necessary to fight everything through the immense & amazing powers of a fully developed human mind. Whatever a human mind can perceive, it can achieve as well. For the accomplishment of the desired results, some physical & mental efforts are combined together. Ironically, self-care is one of the best ways to fight the dangerous pandemic in the second-wave as well.

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