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In Canada, the St Patrick’s day shall be celebrated on the 17th of March 2021. In the giant North American nation Canada being the biggest North American country. Officially, the overall observance is in form of a public holiday in only Newfoundland & Labrador. However, it will still be observed in all provinces of Canada. It is the feast day of the patron Saint of Ireland. On top of this, has a huge global significance all over the world. The stats are significant especially in the Christian world including Canada. It was in the memory of Ireland’s most loved and most known Saint, known as St. Patrick in the year 1631. With the exception of St. Patrick’s feast day. Consumption of alcohol was strictly banned because of the holy Lent season. Hence, later on as it was declared the feast day & drinking was allowed on St. Patrick’s day.

It was due to this relaxation in the Irish laws. Hence, that eventually allowed to curtail the use of alcohol during the feast on March 17. Prior to 70’s, the pubs were found closed on the day, until the laws were revised & relaxed. Significantly, as an order and with strict observance. Finally, observed as a traditional feast day by a number of Churches. Its observance is still active today. These Churches includes Church of Ireland, the Catholic Church & the Anglican Communion. Also includes, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and finally the Lutheran Church.

There are a variety of number of activities that takes place on St. Patrick’s day. On top of these activities includes being Irish for the Day. Furthermore, acting like Irish by wearing traditional Irish clothes. Also includes, eating mainly Irish cuisines and acting like Irish people do on the feast day. Furthermore, watching a parade, and finally hunting for the Leprechauns.


All over the whole Christian world, 17th of March is the main observance as the Feast Day. This is more importantly as a religious observance and holidays in some nations. Especially, countries like Canada, United States, U.K. & Ireland. Also includes, Italy, Spain, Argentina, and rest of the prominent Christian nations observe St Patrick’s day every year. Due to its significance factors attached to the Church of Ireland. Known globally as ‘Feast Day’, importantly due to the feast preferences involved. Followed by the Church of Ireland are The Catholic Church & the Anglican Communion. Also includes, The Eastern Orthodox Church, and finally the Lutheran Church. In Canada specifically, it’s a public holiday in two of its provinces. Mainly, because of Christians in Canada from many different Christian disciples.

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The main religion of people living in Canada is Christianity. Significantly, as it is the most followed religion of the entire world. Masses world over follow Christianity with immense zeal & commitment. The importance of Saint Patrick’s Day is similar to St. George, Patron Saint of England, St David, the Patron Saint of Wales. Finally includes, St Andrews, Patron St of Scotland. All these are the Saints from United Kingdom and Ireland. Add on to that, they have relevance and significance regards to their specific countries.


There are plenty of different ways in which people from different countries & communities want to celebrate the St. Patrick’s Day. Most of the people from different countries and nationalities in Canada want to wear green. Particularly, as a symbol on 17th of March, i.e. St. Patrick’s Day. Many people love eating Irish food on the day. Ironically, as the day originated from Ireland. Furthermore, significantly because St. Patrick was the patron Saint of Ireland. There are also a huge number of people who attend the St. Patrick’s Day parades. These parades takes place all over the world. They help in signifying the importance levels attached to the day. The main aim and motto is the remembrance & following of the day all over the globalised world.

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