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Celebrating Romance & love as we do on Valentine’s Day. A global celebration on the 14th of Feb every year. As being a day which is celebrated all over the globe. It’s a day that celebrates romance, emotions of love & feelings of compassion for each other. Ironically, as the couples show their emotions & bonds of love for each other. That is, in form of gifts, chocolates & sharing Valentine’s Day cards.

A Valentine’s Day card is usually shared between boys & girls in schools. Also, colleges, Universities & shows the passion & emotions that includes crushes. Finally, expressing first love, even sharing love if you are husband & wife or girlfriend & boyfriend. These celebrations of expressions of love & sentiments is shown moreover. Thus, as traditionally on this day. Specifically, as there is significant & enough history that relates to Valentine’s Day.


The origins of the day are pretty obscure. However, there are people who agree that the day made more popular in the 1840s. That is, in countries that includes UK and the USA. However, still the specific historical roots of the celebrations. Furthermore, celebrating romance, remains ambiguous & uncertain amongst the masses. There are traditions that say that this day began with the Roman pagan festival Lupercalia. A festival, which is a fertility festival from 13th Feb to 15th Feb.

The festival Lupercalia involves the sacrifice of animals. Also, involves some activities that are a shadow of the current Valentine day celebrations. However, there is a very strong belief regards to St. Valentine & that this day known as Valentine’s Day is a day remembered & celebrated in his name. According to myths & legends, it was St. Valentine who signed a letter “From Your Valentine” to his jailer’s daughter. Someone, whom he had befriended & healed from blindness. Well, another common myth states that he defied the order of Emperor Claudius. Furthermore, secretly married couples to spare the husbands from war.

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Valentine’s Day & its commercial importance has increased over the years. Also, since the last half a century it’s a celebration. Hence, while celebrating romance, which is getting more global on the 14th of February all over the world. The countries where it is celebrated with huge passion & feelings of love are USA, Canada, UK & Australia. Also, includes Israel, New Zealand, Italy, France, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Spain & many other countries. It is celebrated with far more passion than before in Latin America & European nations. The commercial values & importance has grown far more significantly & it is thanks to the print media & the digital media. It’s the digital media that includes YouTube, Facebook & Instagram where the commercialisation of Valentine’s Day has taken it to new heights.

A day that largely belongs to musical concerts & get-to-gathers. Apart from these, dinners, parties & wild celebrations. Hence, apart from celebrating romance is commercially significant due to the media power. On this day, its love that needs to be celebrated. Obviously, as the most vital emotion. Particularly, with more intensity. Importantly, as how a feeling of a man’s compassion for his love grows over the time. Also, for the feelings & desires of first love or a crush.


For the sake of expressing some bonding or a relationship. Also, celebrating romance, there needs to be some intensity & some vital commitment. Similarly, on the 14th of Feb as part of the growing celebrations of Valentine’s Day in memory of St. Valentine. Hence, between the couples there is an exchange of presents. Valentine’s Day card with sentiments expressed in form of emotional writings. Also, poetry or expressing the first love in form of chocolates with special wrappings. Thus, are all part of the modern day trends.

These trends & customs of celebrating romance, have transformed since the Valentine’s Day celebrations. These are celebrations, that started to take place & the era is round-about 1840s. Hence, as it originated from the UK & the USA. From these two countries, it has spread as a global day. That is, for the lovers to show emotions of strength between each other.


The essence of the Valentine’s Day is like the value of taste in a sweet dish & a fine wine. Valentine’s Day special cards, special chocolates & special cakes as the world is celebrating romance. Easily defines what the real essence is for the day. A day that is quiet unique in terms of the values of emotions of bonds & vital emotions of trust. It’s a day of its kind & also known as “The Lover’s Day”. It’s a day that gives the due importance to show someone. Especially, that you care for him/her. Furthermore, you have expressions of love & compassion for the person.

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It will be a global celebration in Canada on 14th Feb 2023 & again the significance revolves heavily around the ‘Feelings’ that needs to be unique. Apart from being unique, highly expressive. Defines your relationship in form of romance. Either, you celebrate your Valentine’s Day in form of a candle-light dinner in the ‘City of Romance’, i.e. Paris. Otherwise, you take you girlfriend or wife to Venice. Your emotions of ownership for the day & for the person matters indeed.

Although, Valentine’s Day has no cultural or religious significance. Celebrated globally for reasons, i.e. all over. Ideally, as a necessity as it tends to be. Hence, its a global significance now. However, still the day has grown more towards its cultural & trendy values. Hence, rather than the social ones. It is yet another day of gathering together & celebrating. However, the day is more dedicated for feelings of ‘Love & Romance’. As, there has to be a day that diminishes all the hate & transform that into pure love & eternal affection.



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