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Jacob, Former Hedley Frontman Sentenced To 5 Years For Sexual Assault


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Jacob, the Canadian singer is found guilty for assaulting an Ottawa woman

Canadian musician Jacob Hoggard was sentenced to 5 years in prison by the Toronto court on Thursday. That is, on the third date of the sentencing hearing which started earlier in the month.

Hoggard who was the lead singer of the rock group Hedley. Unfortunately, is found guilty for sexually assault that caused injury to the body. It happened after having raped one Ottawa woman in the year 2016.

A Sentence of Six To Seven Years:

The Crown sought the sentence range of six to seven years to Hoggard. Obviously, which is above the usual range for sexual assault committed by an individual. Thus, with no criminal record the court was told. Hoggard’s prosecution claimed that he was a threat to the general public.

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The defence also suggested an easing sentence of between three and four years. They cited a psychiatric report. A report that stated that the defendant was at a low risk of re-offending. Furthermore, had a high chance of getting back to normal.

When she handed down her sentence in the Downtown Toronto room. The Ontario Superior Court Justice Gillian Roberts said Hoggard’s offence was a case of “gratuitous degradation” and “gratuitous violence.”

“It is no exaggeration to say that [the woman] is no longer the same person she was before the attack. She was physically hurt … far more significant was the psychological hurt,” Roberts stated.

“Whatever fleeting moments of gratification Mr. Hoggard derived from his conduct, they have come at the staggering and utterly unacceptable cost of forever changing [the woman’s] life.”

The judge said that she had accepted the evidence of the woman “in its entirety,”. An evidence which included that Hoggard raped her numerous times verbally in vaginally. Or orally she choked her, she spit on her, called her a slut , was a pig. Furthermore, sprayed her with ointment at her as if she were an animal.

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“An appropriate and suitable sentence is five years’:

The doctor. Hy Bloom, a psychiatrist who is forensically trained. Furthermore, employed by the defence, assessed Hoggard. Later, concluded that he was not a sexually sexy deviant, nor psychopath. The court heard that Bloom determined that Hoggard had 200 partners in his sexual life. That is, between 60 and 70% of them being lovers.

The judge said she could not believe Bloom’s report, which stated Hoggard had at a low risk of re-offending.

“The Crown rightly points out that Mr. Hoggard was always impulsive and promiscuous, prior to and apart from his life as a rock star,” Roberts declared.

“I agree with the Crown that we cannot say that Mr. Hoggard will never again find himself in a situation where he has a sexual opportunity. Thus, wants to validate himself, Apart from this, the impulse takes over.”

Hoggard’s sentence, according to the judge. Was to be proportionate to the seriousness of the crime and Hoggard’s situation. Which includes his level of responsibility.

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“It must be sufficient to reflect the inherent harmfulness of a manipulative and particularly degrading rape,” she stated. “In all the circumstances of this offence and this offender I believe a fit and appropriate sentence is five years.”

The Crown applauds the verdict, sentence:

In a statement made to the news media Crown lawyer Jill Witkin. The lawyer expressed her gratitude for the verdict of the jury. Furthermore, the judge’s sentencing verdict.

“Mr. Hoggard’s conviction and sentence sends a message to our community. Obviously, that sexual violence will not be tolerated by our community, by anyone,” Witkin stated.

Ari Goldkind, a Toronto criminal defense lawyer, told CBC News. That the five-year sentence “met the mark” and said it was the court’s effort. Obviously, to “appeal-proof” the sentence by being somewhere in the middle of what each side sought.

“He will have a very strong conviction appeal,” Goldkind added. Goldkind, “but the sentence appeal seems to be less exciting given the meeting in the middle.”

Hoggard has pleaded not guilty:

Hoggard was found not guilty of all charges during his trial in June. His lawyers had claimed that Hoggard was having consensual sexual relations with the victim.

Hoggard was also accused of sexual assault. An assault, that caused bodily harm against a 16-year-old fan. Furthermore, sexual interference with the complainant. However, he was not found guilty of those charges. The complainant cannot be identified in a newspaper ban.

This Ottawa woman was in her in her early twenties when Hoggard was a resident of B.C. The Lower Mainland, assaulted her in the Toronto hotel. The jury was unable to decide for six days. Furthermore, twice came to a deadlock in “some counts” before finding Hoggard guilty of sexual assault. Causing injuries to the body during the Ottawa woman’s case.

The woman claimed Hoggard choked her so severely that she thought she was going to be dead. The assault went on for hours.

An Admittance From Hoggard At The Trial:

Hoggard admitted at trial that he was consensual and “passionate” sex with both the complainants. Hoggard denied that he choked his Ottawa woman. However, said that the other things he mentioned such as spitting or Slapping were among his sexual preferences. Apart from this, could have occurred.

Farrah Khan, who is the director at Consent Comes First at Toronto Metropolitan University. She told the CBC News that she was grateful for the individuals who came forward.

“Hopefully some survivors may feel more emboldened to report. Apart from this, feel safe in trusting a system. Although, the system is still very flawed and we saw that in this case time and time again,” she added.

“I hope that it brings a conversation forward around what we have to expect. Not only of people in the public eye — so people who are musicians. The people who are politicians — but we also have to expect the people around them. Hence, not to enable the behaviour and shy away from calling it out.”

“I’ve never been the exact same’:

In a sentencing hearing in the month of March at a sentencing hearing, she was sentenced earlier this month. Ottawa woman told court the incident made her numb with fear and sadness for months.

The victim said that the assault sexually deprived her of confidence, dreams and changed her life.

“I was never the same after that day,” she declared. “A part of me died that day that I will never get back.”

Hoggard has filed an appeal to the ruling. After the sentencing decision was handed down on Thursday, Hoggard was released on bail.

“Given that the appellant poses no public safety. Alternatively, the flight concerns and raises arguable grounds of appeal. Hence, I am satisfied that his detention is not necessary in the public interest.” The Justice Grant Huscroft stated in his decision.

This appeal is scheduled to be considered at a later time.

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