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The radical changes in Canada’s latest travel restrictions has allowed more families to Re-unite & is a positive step towards the Re-unification process. A Re-unification process precisely concerns with the families. Hence, following strict COVID-19 measures i.e Post lock-down & being united back again. Changes in cross-border travel policies became important & later on mandatory as family reunification became an emotional necessity. It has been long since the travel restrictions were imposed & family resistance came as a hindrance in distant family meetings.

The policies made by the Federal Govt. also enforced strict monitoring of who should be allowed to travel & meet with their loved ones. This has been a huge step from the Canadian Govt. on compassionate grounds. Hence, to allow the loved ones and closed ones to meet each other. A step that involves health considerations being priority measures is part of the changes. On top of this emotional aspects for families undergoing the situations during the current pandemic.

According to the Immigration minister Marco Mendicino, Public Safety Minister Bill Blair and Health Minister Patty Hajdu. These people hold their specific opinions as reps from the Canadian Govt. Most importantly, all three of them were of the same opinion. Ironically, that it is necessary for the Govt. to allow compassionate travel. Furthermore, remove restrictions in light of ongoing conditions in Canada. These conditions can vary but for the time being it’s necessary in some parts of Canada to relax travel restrictions.


As the Govt. is allowing more people into Canada on grounds of compassionate & family travel. The Govt. of Canada is strictly monitoring and placing more strict monitoring measures into the current monitoring system in place. This is for people to strictly follow the quarantine orders. A set of mandatory procedures placed by Canadian Govt. Hence, the deployment of approximately 190 Public Health Officials is a part of the monitoring of these procedures.

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This deployment apart from PHA of Canada will be adding the staff members. The reason is to call the travellers who are in the practice of quarantine to have strict checks on them. Govt. of Canada is taking the quarantine measures very seriously as Canada is entering phase 2 i.e. COVID-19 wave 2. It is expected that without measures things can get out of hand of Public Health Agency & their past and ongoing efforts. Failure in compliance to the quarantine measures will definitely result in penalties. Being imposed with heavy fines or finally a jail sentence is where failure to compliance will lead to.


Since the start of COVID-19 & its measures in Canada. The Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been highly active in terms of his policies. Furthermore, his activities concerning the safety measures for the Canadian citizens are more evident recently. The priority of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been very transparent. This is in line with the current policy developments is to make things safer for Canadians. According to the PM, citizens of Canada have already suffered and they need immediate relaxations in travelling.

Protection from COVID-19 according to Govt. laws is what the PM wants to make sure. This precisely means taking strong actions at the Canadian borders. Justin Trudeau further said that while keeping Canadian safety in check it is the Govt. of Canada’s responsibility. Also, to keep improving these measures and make sure Canada stays safe. Compassionate cases are not rare in Canada especially because of the time frame due to the lock-down. The Govt. wants to make sure that people stay away from mental health issues because of missing their families. Hence, Trudeau claims that allowing compassionate travel is the right step at the right time.

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