The Canadian Labour day is falling on September 4 this year. Apart from this, it brings the Canada’s labour close to each other in form of closely knit bonds. A day that unites the labour working in different areas or sectors. In addition to this, working for the sole purpose of the prosperity of Canada. A country divided into ten provinces and three territories is a prosperous land. Also, a land that celebrates work with full commitments, motivation & passion. As holiday all over Canada. Thus, is what the labour day is followed as. Apart from this, this is a day that the country celebrates with their neighbours sharing the largest land border on earth, i.e. the USA. Both countries celebrate Labour Day on the same date & with the same passion. Also, the significance for the people. That is, the most committed citizens of both countries.
In the current times the importance is not lagging behind. Vitally, as all the provinces & territories of the great land are having a minimum wages which is different from each other. Thus, it highly signifies the true importance of the Labour Day. Obviously, as Canadians. Especially, talking about most of them are surviving on hourly wages. Apart from obviously the entrepreneurs & the employees working on salaries, i.e. monthly. That is, with a pay rate that differs. Precisely, according to the kind of work or the nature. However, the minimum wages law in all the provinces & territories does strictly binds the employer. Importantly, to pay their employees the minimum wages at least.
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Associated with the origins of the Labour day in Canada as is its brief history. Traced back to the year 1872, as it can be. That is, the printer’s revolt. This incident happened in the biggest city of Canada in Toronto. Thus, to be precise when the labourers tried to establish a max. 54 hour work week. The labour & the union wanted some kind of work restrictions precisely to control overwork. Also, the over-stress on behalf of the labour. The intensity & the gravity of the situation caused a mutiny. Also, known as printer’s revolt. Thus, as it is called a revolt.
The printer’s revolt is one of the causes or one must clearly say a deep cause. Particularly, of the situation that caused the start of Labour Day. A time of intense strictness. Considered illegal, as further was any kind of activity. Furthermore, also the organisers were even jailed for that.
All these activities in the history books became a massive cause. Something, that eventually led to the Prime Minister Sir John A. MacDonald. Thus, repealing the anti-union laws & legislation. Hence, as well as arranging the release of the organisers as well. Sir John A. MacDonald obviously was the first Prime Minister of Canada being born in UK, precisely Glasgow city in Scotland. His role as a leader during the era when Labour Day incidents took place. As being a key one, as it is highly recognised as.
Later, the parades held in support of the Nine-Hour Movement. While, the printer’s revolt led to an annual celebration. Linked up deeply, as being a vital celebration in history. Precisely & importantly with labour rights. The date due to the significance of activities that took place is highly regarded. Importantly, as a national holiday in the country Canada. Hence, as it took place on the famous date which is July 23, 1894. It was led by the Prime Minister of those times. That is, PM John Thompson as Sir John A. MacDonald was no more in the role. Ironically, as the Prime Minister of Canada.
Prosperity of Canada is very deeply linked up. Honestly, with the rights of labour. As these days it’s the minimum wage earners. That are found in all the provinces. As well as, the territories of Canada. The Canadian labour demands security. That is, not only in form of financial security. Also, the insurance at work. However, also safety & health practices highly practised in all over Canada.
The rights of labour also includes giving labour proper treatment at work. Also, the holidays & handling the work-life balance. Further, creating an environment of trust for them. Finally, being conscious of their needs of survival. These are people working on hourly wages in Canada’s most dynamic transport systems. Also, the security & surveillance industry & health & safety industry. Also, the Canada’s food industry, mining industry, retail industry & supply chains. Finally, the factories & many other industries that are interlinked. Apart from this, provide massive support to the Canadian economy.
In-short, it’s the Canadian economy that is deeply in hands of the Canadian labour. Furthermore, their rights protect their jobs. Apart from this, the various roles of Canadian labour in society. Lastly, their dedication to the Canadian economy.
It won’t be wrong if we say that Canada’s economy rests on the shoulders of labour working day & night. Importantly, for the prosperity & safety of Canada. Obviously, as there are many people in Canada that are working in high-fi roles on monthly salaries. Surprisingly, being much higher than what labour earns in a month. Despite this fact, the economy & its base rests on the labour who have worked hard every day. That is, in different roles to support those who work full-time on monthly salaries. Therefore, they are the building blocks of the Canadian economy. That is, on which the economy rests. Whether, it’s the supply chain. Apart from this, the drivers working in transportation sectors. The bus & rail or the Canadian surveillance industry monitoring Canada 24/7.
Canada is a bright land, but nothing without the ray of light. A ray of light, that is known as the Canada’s labour.
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