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Team Leader Attitude & Shedding Some Light On His Key Responsibilities


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How a team leader is really a team leader & what are the key responsibilities that he holds? A team leader holds vital responsibilities in his capacities to choose the sub-ordinates. Furthermore, his key members & how well they can be utilised. It’s not enough that the team members are making the team leader happy somehow. Alternatively, through buttering or usage of good words & gifts. What’s best is to make sure that the team members prove to be hardworking and highly sincere in terms of the responsibilities. A team leader knows well how to use or utilise a person in terms of his vital attributes and roles.

A major quality or the dynamic attributes that a team leader must possess is to evaluate a person or a situation in the best possible ways. The team leader opinion for a person or a situation shouldn’t be just based on assumptions or facts that are not so worthwhile. At the same time the judgements shouldn’t be based on some personal liking and being biased. However, they should be more sort of real facts and based on past records and performances. The capacity to evaluate and keep a judgement is one of the vital assets that a team leader possesses. This is especially true for a team leader in the corporate world. Lastly, or being the most vital attribute is to find out who is working and who is just ignoring work. On top of this, just thinking that their leader is nothing but just a mug.


Being an example means you know your responsibilities and you also know well how to lead from the front. A leader’s attitude to lead from the front and to lead by example is just something that gives him the moral boost to lead effectively. Being a leader who knows how much work needs to be done to make an example in the eyes of others. Ironically, it is a responsible attitude of the team leader. This enables him to be more responsive to situations that can change suddenly. Alternatively, certain situations that have a higher tendency to get worse.


While tackling the difficult situations a team leader undergoes many challenges and hurdles. All these acts like a ‘Dress Rehearsal’ for the real show. Hence, a practice for the situation when it really happens. It’s the attitude of the team leader not to lose sight of his goals even in times of distress or a difficult situation. The true character of a team leader is demonstrated most when the team is really down and out. In addition to this, the team leader brings his team to competitive levels, just all by himself.

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A leader knows very well how to make best use of his team or in technical words the ‘utilisation of the work force or technical resources’. For example, a team leader in a retail environment working on the floors, knows well who should be in supply chain and who needs to be on floor. Importantly, he also has a good idea who needs to be trained on the cash counter and who seems to be on the sensitive part, i.e. cash handling and collections.

At the same time a team leader’s capacity to choose his members and his sub-ordinates means vital acknowledgements for him in the corporate world and while making useful contributions. A leader’s contributions in any possible ways should make him more useful in terms of utilisation of the mandatory work force.


Why being sincere is so much important in a team environment is a very useful question? A team demands time apart from the utilisation of brain and skills dedicated for the effective task handling. Sincerity holds key for a team player, otherwise he/she is lacking the spirit to stay and work within the team. Being a key player means you know what actually you are up to and how to handle tasks in light of the available resources.

It’s the spirit of a team member that should act as a catalyst for the team leader so that he knows well how that player can be useful in future.

Thus, the roles and responsibilities of a team leader highly includes the capacity to judge a team player for sincerity and true corporate values.

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