-6.6 C



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Climate change or environmental change has been a major cause of concern in Canada and many places in the North American sub-continent. It can be a cause of new pandemics as well. Hence, according to most recent stats from WHO, The World Health Organisation. The pandemic COVID-19 that has been a cause of many deaths & is the world’s most dangerous. This is in terms of mortalities, destruction, and other losses of similar nature. The pandemic that has claimed over 760,000 lives so far was certainly an origination from wild bats.

It highlights the latest dangers exposed to humanity and their constant encroachment on the planet’s dwindling wild spaces. The change in climate or environment referred commonly as climate change. Hence, it is very rapidly emerging and being a change driver in world’s environment. This as a key driver of infectious disease. This is either by the expansion of footprint of malaria, and dengue carrying mosquitoes. Hence, finally defrosting Prehistoric pathogens from the Siberian permafrost.


As the nature is full of microorganisms, the biggest enemy for the homo-sapiens or the mankind is their unwanted ignorance. This ignorance is regards to the impacts that relates to global & environmental climate change. A phenomenon that holds huge and significant factors of rise in new epidemics. Ironically, pandemics and epidemics have some biological and other reasons. These are reasons related to an abnormal rise or fall in temperatures.

Since the very start of industrial age, also known as Industrialisation, or a transformation to the industrial world. A climate change platform spreads across Russia, Canada and A huge region called Alaska. These contains almost three times the carbon. Therefore, this is three times to the carbon that has been emitted since the start of the industrialisation. Also known in historical terms as the Industrial Age. Carbon Footprints are the worst thing happening in modern times and are highly prone to increase epidemics and pandemics.

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According to the IPCC, or UN’s Climate Science Panel. Even if the humanity manages to stop or limit global warming to -2 degree Celsius. Set by the 2015 Paris Agreement. It is a huge threshold of safety for the climate change efforts. Hence, by the year 2100, the Permafrost area will decrease by a quarter.


Associated are the many epidemics and diseases from the environmental climate change. In the upcoming years, these are all apart from the other dangers associated. These are all related with the industrial exploitation of the Arctic all the risk factors are virtually evident. These includes Pathogens and the people that are most likely to carry them. With the climate change in effect there has been a huge rise in the diseases. These are dangerous diseases that can easily kill half a million people per year. The diseases that are caused by mosquito bites are the most famous ones. The most prominent ones are Zika, Dengue, Malaria & chikungunya. These are epidemics that have been cause of many deaths in the past, and numbers are still counting. Occurs from changing weather conditions, impurity in elements and stagnant water or impure water.

Hence, according to a national lab in New Mexico (North America). The mosquitoes that are moving their range north are now able to overwinter in some temperate regions. These mosquitoes have longer breeding periods, hence more fertility increasing the risks for human life. Bio Security & Public Health’s officials has made efforts regards to climate change. Hence, the conducted research has been part & parcel of these efforts. It’s not only the awareness regards to the pandemics and epidemics that is related for future safety. It’s the vital efforts that people are making, and should continue doing to combat issues related to the Climate change. An immense amount of change that we need for a much safer environmental sustainability.

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