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Border Crossing has a lane For Tesla, Reduces The Wait Time


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In addition to the ones designated for trucks and cars. Hence, is a massive, illuminated “Tesla” signage. The one that directs Tesla suppliers to cross. Tesla is now able to enjoy its own lane exclusively at border crossing. Especially, at a U.S.-Mexico border crossing in Laredo, Texas.

Alongside the lanes at border crossing designated for trucks and cars. There is a huge, well-lit “Tesla” sign. A sign that directs Tesla suppliers to cross. Hence, according to Bloomberg the lane at crossing links to Nuevo Leon. That is, one of Mexico’s states that is more accommodating to business.

The border crossing lane was given as an incentive to customers. Obviously, in an agreement that saw Tesla move its headquarters from Austin, Texas. Nuevo Leon Economy Minister Ivan Rivas declared that the crossing was aimed at speeding up the process. Furthermore, increasing the efficiency levels.

It’s not clear how the deal came to be. Furthermore, as well as how the lane at the crossing works. Also, who is able to utilise the space.

However, Rivas acknowledged that other companies might be able to use identical lanes. Ironically, sometime in the near future.

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Tesla is obviously an American-based company that manufactures electric vehicles.

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