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Simple But Effective Social Media Ideas To Make Your Event Engaging


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What you are as a brand is a reflection of what you achieve as a business. Your business can be small or huge, local or global, but it is by being a brand that you can set a perception for your customers. 

Brands these days focus on minute details; for example – they host yearly events, launch parties, and collaborate with sponsors to host engaging events, among other things like strengthening their social media presence

It is suffice to say that brands are working actively to improve on every aspect that includes social – be it events or social media. And you can make your events extremely engaging by using social media correctly.

Now, with a solid social media presence, brands can achieve a lot. Big numbers. Engagement, customers, sales, and popularity. The only loophole is that it is possible only if you actually use social media effectively. 

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And in this blog, we will give you simple yet effective ideas to make your event engaging with the help of social media. 

Social Media For Events: An Effective Strategy

Social media has risen to the top and for reasons fair. If we go back to the basics, social media was built for people to connect and communicate with each other, from across the world. But with the changing specifics of social media in the past few years, social media has become a platform for not just communication but other things like content creation, marketing, and advertising.

Events can use these specifications to improve engagement. So, here are a few effective ideas for you to use social media and make your event engaging. 

1. Create Pre-Event Buzz Through Social Media 

Netizens these days treat social media as their newspaper where they can get their regular dose of updates and stay up to date with everything happening around. Your brand’s event might not be on the national news, but it can still gain the same traction if appropriately promoted on social media.


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You can create a trail of posts to promote your event, give sneak peeks of the special guests and even host a reveal party on social media to get your audience excited. 

Creating a pre-buzz is an amazing way actually to sell more tickets before the show and fave a houseful show. 

2. Introduce Event-Specific Hashtags

Events can be lengthy affairs with so many visitors, media people, speakers, etc. But how can you collect them all in one place on social media and keep a track of what is being said about the event all over the social media world? 

Introducing an event-specific hashtag helps a lot in collecting content. Event hosts can utilize the event hashtag to boost engagement with the help of a social wall. Hosts can host activities and display UGC collected on the hashtag to make the audience feel valued. 

Hosts can also run live updates from social media platforms like Twitter. Hosts can display interesting threads and conversations about the event through the hashtag for increased engagement. 

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3. Host Exciting Activities Using A Social Wall 

There can be no better way to increase event engagement than by hosting fun activities for the attendees. Activities can bring people together and set a positive mood for everyone present at the event.

Social Wall

To host an activity, you can actually use social media. How? Well, we have it figured out for you. You can integrate a social wall at your event

A social wall or social media wall is a collection of content curated in a feed from any social media platform through a source, like hashtags, user handle, etc. You can display the feed on any digital screen and use it in various ways, like hosting activities, polls, or Q&A rounds.

You can communicate with your audience in the event through social media by getting them to participate in contests on your social media account and announcing the winners in the event itself. This will be beneficial for your event as well as social media engagement.

4. Collaborate With Influencers 

Talking about social media and events instantly takes our minds to collaborating with influencers. Influencers can give a sharp boost to your event’s popularity, spark conversations about the event and get more people interested in your event.


You can team up with influencers in a unique way by collaborating with them to create content that is specific to your event. You can then leverage this content and boost your event’s engagement by reaching out to more audiences (influencers’ audience)

You can tap in the influencers’ audience and exponentially increase the event’s reach.

5. Stay Active On The Socials

The minute you announce the event, is the moment you have to buckle up to speed up your social media activity. Keep in touch with the audience, reply back to their comments and resolve their queries fast. 

This is the best way to increase sales and gain the trust of your followers to pre-book their slots for the event. 

Be transparent about small details like the in-event activities, location, timings, give an extra mention to details that can make your customers feel more included, for example – mention the availability/non-availability of drinking water at the event, if the event has food stalls or a separate play section for kids. 

6. Give A Special Mention To Your Speakers

You don’t understand the power of fans until you find a renowned personality at an event or a concert and realise that each and every person from the audience is present there to see that celebrity.

Always give a special mention to your event’s speakers because you never know how many people might get compelled to visit your event just to see them.

This is a great technique to boost your event’s engagement and reach more audience organically.


The Final Call

This blog has listed a few effective social media ideas to boost your event’s engagement. However, when it comes to social media to increase your engagement, there is no one definitive way but a myriad of ways that exist, and finding what works best for you is the real deal.

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Sudheera Minocha
Sudheera Minochahttps://taggbox.com/
Sudheera Minocha is a Content Strategist at Taggbox. She is passionate about content writing and all the techy, geeky stuff that goes with it. You can master digital only if you love it, and Sudheera does. On the personal front, she loves taking new life experiences and remains a student of life.

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