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The latest Immigration guidelines for PR’s or Permanent Residence applications is a matter of great concern. Hence, in response to the COVID-19 they have been released by the Canadian Govt. The Canadian Govt. has released these guidelines in response to COVID-19 measures & current circumstances. These are policies, procedures & regulations in response to the COVID-19 developments & how they are shaping up.

According to immigration experts & advisers in Canada & around the world, migrating to Canada can be a challenge for fresh permanent residents. Hence, many are still wondering that how the Govt. of Canada shall be addressing this situation in the wake of events & happenings of COVID-19.

The IRCC, or Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada has issued a set of critical guidelines for the permanent residence applications. These are people who are planning to arrive in Canada for the sake of business, and permanent settlement. These are also people who have applied earlier, i.e. Pre-COVID-19 and are waiting for the response regards to their respectable applications. Hence, the IRCC, a sound organisation or a Govt. body is a highly responsible body. It is for the activities that relates to Canadian immigration. In addition to this they are also responsible for fast response regards to the application. On 29th of May 2020, the publishing of the latest guidelines took place successfully by the IRCC. These are the set of latest guidelines in the wake of the current happenings.


The new permanent resident in-take continues even though the Govt. of Canada has been facing many challenges. Hence, the files of the applications that are incomplete due to some missing documentation shall be retained. The review shall be taking place within the first 90 days of application filings as part of the additional guidelines. However, the completed new applications for permanent residence will continue to be processed. Ironically, according to the normal procedures as they use to happen pre-COVID-19.

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Furthermore, as part of the flexibility measures, if the fresh application lacks supporting documentation. In that case, it will be with an explanation for the application referencing service interruptions due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. The explanation shall be vitally important in terms of the visa processing guidelines. It may also result in the application being promoted & reviewed within 90 days. Hence, for the fresh applications or new applications they will be processed in the order that they are received.

Having high chances for the application of being rejected. This is because of an application that is without an explanation. Therefore, an explanation is something apart from the norm, and holds huge priorities in the wake of COVID-19 happenings.

Some flexible measures are also in progress that are in relation to the principal applicants. The applicants for permanent residence that are residing or currently in Canada. However, the dependants that are abroad shall continue with their current process. However, there will be considerable delays that will be taking place. In the wake of unfortunate circumstances if the principal applicant’s dependants are unable to travel, the applicant shall not be granted permanent residence.


The applicants having the confirmation of Permanent residence or a PRV i.e. Permanent Resident Visa should inform the IRCC in a timely manner while using a web form. This information should be regarding their current status, if they are unable to travel before the expiry of the document.

According to the applicant’s current circumstances, the file processing shall take place. As a flexibility measure its important and holds vitality in case of COVID-19 circumstances & guidelines. People with valid CoPR and PRV in case if they are unable and unwilling to travel. Therefore, they need to inform the IRCC so that their current situation is added in their file. The expired PRVs and CoPRs, as an alternative flexibility measures. Further, they are unwilling or can’t travel and have also informed the IRCC. This is regards to the situation prior to the date of expiry of the document. In that case, they will have their files re-opened and also reviewed within 90 days.

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MBE Immigration & consultancy services Canada can provide with all the latest happenings & updates regarding the permanent residence information. This is related and relevant information regards to CoPRs and PRVs. In addition to providing the information, the team of consultants are highly equipped to entertain and resolve issues of immigration & what other flexible measures are needed to be adopted. On top of this, MBE immigration & advisory services are working day & night in giving fast and acknowledged responses to their clients. This is especially in wake of events regards to the pandemic, COVID-19. It is particularly in response to the happenings of COVID-19, many policies and procedures have also been altered.

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MB Enterprises is an independent, Canada based business solutions and services providing group that is envisioned to lead the industry through trend-setting innovation and ground-breaking ideas.

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