The Remembrance Day in Canada is followed as an observance in all the Provinces and Territories of Canada. This year also it shall be followed as a vital observance. Apart from this, as a remembrance while giving tribute. That is, to the War Veterans of World War I. Apart from this, World War II. In addition to this, remembering World War I which ended on 1918. The day of observance for Remembrance Day shall be on 11th Nov 2024 this year. The day is also known as Armistice Day which it is known as commonly in rest of the World including USA. Thus, as being a country where the day is followed.
The core values that are associated with Remembrance Day are centred on the notion of spending this day. Thus, as an observance, while honouring the war victims of the two biggest Wars in history. Obviously, which is the World War I & World War II. These are wars that changed the course of events. On top of this, changed everything as the World was never the same Post World Wars. In history books, as they are termed and rated. Thus, as some of the biggest wars that have taken place. That is, on the face of the planet earth.
On the Remembrance Day, as the name suggests. The Canadians pause to honour the men and women who have served in the past. Apart from this, continue to serve Canada during the times of conflict. In addition to this, during the times of peace. It is more than 2,300,000 Canadians have served and more than 120,000 are ones who made the ultimate sacrifice. The poppy is the symbol of the Remembrance Day. On top of this, the honourable people from the services industry in Canada wear this symbol on this day. As a matter of fact, not only on this day. But, also while serving Canada in their Safety & Surveillance industry. Apart from this, a number of places where defence is the need. Hence, including the Canadian army.
It was in the year 1921, people began wearing the Poppy which is three years after the war ended. For the centennial observance of Remembrance Day in 2021. Released a commemorative replica, thus, is the Royal Canadian legion. That is, of the original fabric pin. Which is, from the year 1921. A tribute to the century of wearing the poppy. Apart from this, honouring the wars and the war victims.
As today, in history no one can forget the happenings of nine-eleven. Similarly, it is even after 106 years people can’t forget giving tribute to World Wars. These are ones, that especially includes World War I and the War victims. Thus, including those who participated in the Wars and survived it with bravery. Also, with the courage and passion for the upcoming generations. To kill & get killed. Obviously, as some people live with the fear. But, those who know how to beat that fear. Remembered as they should be by Legends in History. That is, in the history books as. Hence, as these are the ones.
THE SIGNING OF THE PEACE TREATY- ‘The Armistice Agreement’:
The signing of the peace agreement or the peace treaty. Thus, known as the Armistice between the allies and Germany at Compeigne, France happened on 11th November. So, this day is also a Remembrance Day. Thus, while giving the due regards. That is, to the Armistice or the peace treaty that ended the war. That is, between the Allies and Germany.
As a matter of fact, while we reshuffle the history books. On top of this, the minds of the historians who might not be present. But, some of the war victims from World War II are still alive. It is accordingly that the last Canadian killed in First World War. Which is, the World War I was Private George Lawrence Price of the Canadian infantry. That is, the Second Canadian division. The person i.e. George Lawrence Price was killed couple of minutes. That is, before the signing of the Armistice which happened at 11:00 am on 11th Nov. Exactly, being the cause of bringing an end to the war.
As a stat holiday in the Province Alberta. Thus, as it is observed in. Apart from this, a paid general holiday for the eligible employees.
It is in the Province Alberta, whose capital city is Calgary. A Province, where the employees working on the Remembrance Day must be paid. That is, at least the daily wage and at least 1.5 times their wage rate per hour worked. However, the workers who don’t report on duty. An amount which is at least their daily wage. As, thus, will still be given.
It is the Remembrance Day which is a paid public holiday in the Province New Brunswick for the eligible employees. During the twelve months before the holiday. Employed should be the employee status, i.e. for sake of being eligible. Hence, for at least three months period. As according to the Provincial Govt. laws, the employees should work before. In addition to this, after the holiday. Along with the Provincial Govt. Made by the Canadian Govt. as it is the law which is. Obviously, which is the Govt. of New Brunswick.
Similar practices with slight variations takes place in different Provinces and Territories of Canada. That is, on the Remembrance Day. But, not all of them celebrate and observe it as a stat. holiday. However, there might be a few more who does like Alberta and NB. The theme of this day is honoring the soldiers. Hence, while giving them tribute to have served in the Canadian army. Apart from this, giving tribute to the War victims of World War I. On top of this, remembering both wars which is World War I & World War II.
Remembering the course of events that happened during the wars. For example, Dunkirk. Also, the saying of Churchill, the PM of Great Britain in Second World War: ‘We Shall Fight at The beaches————-We shall Never Surrender’ . Apart from this, many other things that relates with the wars and the post-war scenarios. Ironically, as both of these wars have an everlasting impact. That is, on the minds of the people who were present in those times. In addition to this, those who survived. As well as, those who faced the post-war consequences. Whether, it’s a historical blunder or an epic. Whatever, it is something which relates heavily with human history of the 19th century.