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The 7th Global Summit on waste management & recycling shall be taking place in Toronto, Canada from 17th Nov to 18th Nov 2021. The issues of waste management & recycling shall be discussed on a global scale in Toronto, Canada. Especially, with a huge focus on environmental sustainability. It is an event in shape of a conference that will deal exclusively with knowledge sharing & information sharing. Furthermore, coming up with new waste management strategies discussed at a global perspective. The theme of the summit being ‘Reduce & Reuse the waste’. It is also a global platform for the professors, dean, academic researchers, researchers and industrialists. On top of this, scientists, students, delegates and finally the recycling professionals. Also, includes other product developers to participate at food safety and quality conference.

The global summit will also discuss on a larger scale techniques and parameters to stop food waste along with other waste management strategies. The proper waste management strategies are a huge necessity and a massive advantage. Especially, to build liveable cities that are lively, clean and tidy. Furthermore, continuously invest a huge deal in waste management for sustainability. However, in this era as well it has been seen as a challenge for many cities and most underdeveloped and developing countries. According to an exclusive sustainability report on waste management. The effective waste management is found relatively expensive. Apart from this, usually comprises of municipal budgets that ranges from 25%-52% with applied variations from cities to cities. A huge portion of waste management practices also deals with solid waste, which is the bulk of the waste that is created by household, industrial waste and other commercial activities. This categorisation or grouping of waste in various sectors makes it easier to handle in terms of waste management procedures and activities. Hence, as well as collections from various premises that includes factories, homes and industries. Also includes, shopping malls, and commercial property, i.e. offices and large scale businesses.


The themes and topics of discussions are being segmented into different sessions that includes waste treatments. Also includes, waste as construction material, handling industrial waste, agricultural and E-waste management. Finally, waste management techniques. All these shall be discussed in the Summit in Toronto from 17th to 18th November 2021. Recommendations and discussions on this topic means why waste management is so much wanted to people. Furthermore, how countries are making valuable investments. The technicalities of waste management makes it one of the most wanted areas in environmental protection and sustainability.

The following are some of the topics of concern regards to waste management;

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A variety of waste treatment technologies shall be discussed in the summit. Ironically, which has a larger focus on the use of technology for waste management practices. However, the long-established method of waste treatment is land-filled. Other major technologies includes recycling & composting. Wastewater treatment, a new agenda in the summit is a prime agenda to guard the health of many different ecosystems. These are ecosystems that are dependent on water and wastewater treatments. If properly treated the wastewater can be a massive source of water that can be used for multiple purposes. It is an absolute fact that good wastewater treatment allows the utmost amount of water to be reused more than once rather than being wasted. The utilisation of this source, i.e. water will be an integral topic of discussion at a globalised forum.


The 7th Global summit on waste management & recycling shall discuss more creatively the priorities in industrial waste. An effective management of the industrial waste on one among the many ways to guard and protect our surroundings from harmful pollutants. The different manufacturers are governed by waste management policies that want them to eliminate industrial ways the proper way. A violation of the rules can lead to massive penalties for the manufacturers. The aim is the protection of human health and the environment as well as fostering partnerships. The industrial wastes are most often characterised as absolute hazardous, absolute non-hazardous and mirror entities. It is a topic of major discussions and holds huge priorities. Importantly, as waste from industries is more dangerous in terms of its hazardous effects. Apart from this, the quantity of industrial waste is much higher than household waste. Primarily, due to the amount of industries in Canada and rest of the developed world.


A key and most vital topic of discussions are the role played by the waste management techniques. These are modern techniques of waste management, amalgamated with the use of technology and infrastructure. The techniques makes the environment a better place for the living creatures to survive. It is not only found to be the need of the hour. But, also a huge necessity for the welfare of people in the world. The various waste management techniques makes the process of waste management even more effective and successful. The summit will further focus on the techniques of waste management. Hence, by critically reviewing the discussions and findings of the research students.

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