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Comparing traditional marketing with digital media marketing might not be a good option, if you are a well-established business. However, having said that digital marketing is a highly useful option for small businesses & success with small businesses. This age is truly a defined digital age. Furthermore, digital media holds immense power in terms of online marketing aspects. However, in traditional marketing it’s true that the balance has shifted a bit. Especially, towards digital due to the online marketing needs. Simultaneously, as internet is such a powerful medium and people prefer to have an online image first. Particularly, before making their grounds on over traditional marketing.

Traditional marketing is the use of marketing via T.V Commercials, Magazine and Newspaper Ads. Also includes, Radio commercials, Billboards, Flyers, directly mailed postcards, informational packets and coupons. On the other hand the digital marketing methods includes SEO, Website Content, Clickable ads, Social media posts, and Email Marketing.


The target audience for traditional marketing differs from those with digital marketing. Primarily, due to the fact that digital marketing is for those who are mostly users of internet. The target audience for digital marketing is therefore far more literate people. Especially, in terms of computer literacy as compared to traditional marketing. However, it’s a fact that in traditional marketing one can’t ignore the marketing vision. The marketing environment also differs as in traditional marketing, the environment is a bit massive in terms of the spectrum. While in digital marketing it’s an online environment.


Digital marketing is more focused and much more suitable for small businesses. In addition to this, fresh startups as compared to traditional marketing. Not much suitable in terms of the budget as traditional marketing is much more budget oriented. But, can have a much higher impact.

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According to the needs of the small businesses and startups online marketing will be far more useful. On top of this, will have a higher impact on the consumers. It helps in making a desirable brand image and once the image is launched online. Hence, the marketing environment can be a mix of both. This can definitely take some time, however, the initial image is important for fresh startups.


If we can look over the pros and cons, if your target audience is of older age than traditional marketing will be more effective for your business. Naturally, as old age people seldom use internet or even if they do, they don’t use it that hours per week as compared to young people.

A huge disadvantage with traditional marketing is that it can take months or even years to yield success from traditional marketing methods. It’s definitely a slow process which requires time with patience.

The biggest and greatest advantage with digital marketing is that you can easily market your business internationally. Specifically, through social networking sites like Facebook or through other digital platforms.

A disadvantage of digital marketing is that people can block or skip ads on the internet, a huge downside of digital marketing.

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If we make a comparison, both have their advantages and disadvantages. However, the edge comes depending on the type of business and the target audience. Demographics also play an integral role as to which medium of marketing is most suitable. However, for the small businesses and startups, the role of digital marketing is getting much stronger and more sustainable. It provides platforms that are highly suitable in terms of the results. For a large number of businesses these days. Importantly, the best option is digital marketing. Simply as almost all businesses even newly launched ones want a website which is their dedicated business website. On the other hand it’s a good option for a global outreach and keeping the costs low. However, if your business has a target audience i.e. the local people of a particular area. Hence, in that case you must prefer traditional marketing.

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MBE Digital Media Team
MBE Digital Media Teamhttps://blog.mbeforyou.com
MB Enterprises is an independent, Canada based business solutions and services providing group that is envisioned to lead the industry through trend-setting innovation and ground-breaking ideas.

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