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Canada’s job market in 2021 is highly dependent on the stats, scenarios and behaviours of the previous year i.e. 2020. Many sectors of the Canadian economy saw a decline in job market in 2020. Primarily, due to the on-going pandemic COVID-19 that is still hurting the economy in one way or the other. It has seriously dented the economy starting in Feb 2020 until Dec 2020. Furthermore, its impacts are still evident on many sectors of the Canadian economy. Similarly, in the job sector for e.g. in Travel & Tourism Industry, Retail Industry, banking & finance, Construction & Real estate, hospitality & aesthetics and many other different sectors.

Working from home has been the norm since last few months. Unfortunately, as most of the countries were facing the lock down. Apart from the IT sector seeing the effects of COVID-19. Almost all sectors in Canada saw a huge decline in hiring policies. Ironically, as most people relied heavily on Govt.’s policies due to changing scenarios. Upon the decline of the demand curve & revision of retention policies. Call centre industry also saw the detrimental impacts of the pandemic COVID-19.

Canada has been a country with huge employment rate as most people in Canada do work for a living. However, the pundits in the industry believe that Canada has the capability to bounce back fast. This is due to its strong infrastructure, rich economy and a very decent GDP Per-Capita. Apart from the retail sector, the hospitality and aesthetics ranks very high amongst the affected sectors. This is primarily due to people staying at their homes rather than going on holidays to Canada’s hottest holiday destinations. Almost a halt in the travel & tourism industry since 3-5 months has caused a huge decline in jobs and increased the number of layoffs.


In a majority of sectors and companies in Canada there was a revision in recruitment & retention policies. The general behaviour was strict due to the adverse effects of the pandemic and to overcome its side-effects. However, in some companies the trend mostly relied upon retention of staff, and utilisation of resources. These resources are mostly human resources, especially companies with higher number of staff members.

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However, it is much expected in 2021 that recruitment policies can change for the betterment of the Canadian people. People working from their home, and the so-called credit crunch is all part of the sufferings in 2020. Therefore, to encounter the impacts of COVID-19, the Govt. of Canada will be opening new desirable positions. On top of this, shall be hiring more talented employees. This restoration in the Canadian economy will come as a necessary measurement as Canada has been dented highly from the impacts of the global pandemic very recently.


The behaviours of employees prior to the second wave of the pandemic COVID-19 in July and August have changed significantly. According to a recruitment agency survey known as Hays Canada showed the level of restlessness of many employees. A huge 21% of the employees are planning to switch their jobs in the next three month, i.e. Oct & Nov 2020. Hence, yet another 17% of employees are planning the same, i.e. switch of job in the next year 2021.

According to the President of Hays Mr. Travis, Obviously, there have been many layoffs, however, but work still needs doing, therefore, there might be work but no extra compensation. A huge number of employees are working from home, and that’s why lots of people are feeling the sense of isolation and being lonely. His concern was clear regards to the job opportunities for those looking for greener pastures, and especially for those laid off. Ironically, the change of scenarios due to layoffs happened because of the pandemic COVID-19 and its obvious effects on the economy of Canada.

The retraining program announced by the Govt. of Canada is worth $77 million will give preferences for the people who were laid off due to the pandemic COVID-19. The program provides a huge $28K per person, covering the tuition fees, the training material and the living expenses. The participants while being enrolled in the program are still allowed their due NI or national insurance. This is mainly for people who came into the influence of changing scenarios due to COVID-19.


People will be needed as personal support workers, e.g. as whole sale reps. This is according to the report of job experts in Canada. Furthermore, as IT support technicians and production logistics coordinators. Therefore, jobs in the sectors of Operations and Supply Chain Logistics, IT/Quality assurance, Sales, Business Development & Customer Support and the Retail management sector are the most expected & wanted ones. Apart from these sectors hospitality & tourism industry will bounce back rapidly in terms of job opportunities in Canada post COVID-19 era. Hence, this is expected as a significant bounce back from the travel & tourism industry Canada.

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