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The ongoing impacts of innovative technologies on the business world are a common debate in today’s business scenarios. This is especially vital after the recent happenings during the current pandemic. As the pandemic COVID-19 witnessed a series of lock downs resulted in continuous business closures and losses. Hence, in unfortunate and unbearable circumstances the factor that has played its part holds most prominence. The factor that has helped incredibly to balance the situation, and it has been ‘the innovative technologies factor’. Whether you need some essential grocery items or toiletries. Ironically, the best solution is via the innovative technology apps. Instantly, place an order & you will find a rider in few minutes at your door step.


M-rides has consistently enjoyed a very useful connection with the technologies in the business environment of MBE. This is via making an effective use of the mobile application for M-Rides. Something which has made things more convenient and faster for the end-user, i.e. the consumers. The consumer mind is now more dependent on the usage of technologies than it was earlier. Let’s say, if we discuss the scenario in more detail some ten years back from today. Unfortunately, there was a monopoly of taxi rides or people getting the taxi service from taxi points. Alternatively, instantly while from the roadside while walking or during the taxi lookup. Amazingly, things have changed positively since the last decade and it is easier now to make effective usage of technology. Is technology the difference or the only single difference? For some people it’s a massive difference. Especially, from the marketing point of view and user convenience. The technologies factor is a massive time saver for the daily commuter. Especially, a person who needs to be on the destination on time and with far more convenience.

Technology is also responsible for passenger perks and for rider’s perks as everything is based on the frequency of the usage. For the riders, the dependability is on the basis of good customer feedback. All these scenarios were not there some ten years back from today. Therefore, as a matter of fact, the use of technology is a major difference. Significantly, a difference that should be cultivated with time more effectively.


Post COVID-19, there was a huge danger of recession regards to the economic effects & global changes. In particular, that the Canadian economy will be facing a huge decline graph in terms of the revenues generated. This is not only true for Canada & the Canadian economy. But, also for the rest of the world as well as the pandemic has seen some global devastation. However, the economy of Canada and many countries is expected to get back to normal soon. Much to the credit of technologies that has been really helpful in a fast recovery rate. This is vitally as the consumer investment is partially low. On top of this, the returns they are reaping are much higher and faster. Many things have changed for the good recovery of the economic values. Mainly, due to the positive impacts of technology on the business world.

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We definitely need the vaccines for better and much sustainable results. Moreover, as being vaccinated is equal to getting into the safe zone. The human values needs to be analysed more closely Post Covid-19. More importantly, as the recovery from the pandemic has already taken just more than a year’s time.


After the launching of the ride-sharing subsidiary M-Rides, things have changed a lot dynamically. Similarly, many other businesses are now outlaying some positive impacts. These are impacts on the business world in Canada & the overseas markets as well. The dependability of the human race on technology is much higher as compared to let’s say a decade back in time.

The effects of the technology has changed many areas and many sectors at the same time. In addition to this, the focus has changed tremendously & tilted towards the technology. The consumers are now more into the variables of pricing, timing, convenience & shared excellence. Thus, the usage of technology is automatically generating higher income programs for people. Furthermore, more income opportunities & improving automatically the employment rate in all the provinces in Canada. The rate of self-employment has declined than before. As a consequence, more people are willingly working for various companies & services sector much more than earlier. This positive impact has definitely caused a sense of security in terms of the people’s employment & its attached benefits. Ironically, a key factor that is responsible for bringing stability to the economy & economic values. Surprisingly, even a pandemic like COVID-19 is unable to bring financial recession of the order like before. On top of this, it can’t be a source of massive economic destruction like it used to be in the past.

The difference between today and few years back is not only huge but its impact is also massive in terms of the technology applications. Obviously, it has made things sounder and more convenient for today’s consumer requirements. Irrespective, of the digital market needs of the present business world.

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MBE Digital Media Team
MBE Digital Media Teamhttps://blog.mbeforyou.com
MB Enterprises is an independent, Canada based business solutions and services providing group that is envisioned to lead the industry through trend-setting innovation and ground-breaking ideas.

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