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Don’t Waste Your Time! Personal Harassment Might Be Happening With You


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Are you feeling slightly uncomfortable reading the big word ‘harassment’? Well, around 53% of people have faced workplace harassment.

Though it might seem that you are the only one probably facing it, that’s not the case. Workplace harassment is a real thing and exists around you, sadly.

One such type of workplace harassment is personal harassment.

Just to give you an overview, harassment is when someone makes you feel uncomfortable through your words or actions. And the workplace is one such place where this happens a lot.

Unfortunately, some of the best HR professionals can even miss the signs of harassment happening with any employee.

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What Is Personal Harassment In Workplace?

Personal harassment at the workplace is described as an employee’s unjust or unfair treatment of another employee. And that employee felt humiliated, demeaned, hurt or even abused.

Simply put, such kind of treatment violates the authority that a person enjoys over another through their employment contract or abuses power derived from their position. All this can result in some severe threatening and hostile situation.

But How To Identify Personal Harassment In Workplace?

Some people might not be aware that they’re getting harassed personally. You see, using curse words in a conversation is pretty standard. But during office hours, this is not ok.

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If you think someone has passed hurtful comments or is discriminating against you, you’re a victim of personal harassment in the workplace.

The verbal or physical gestures don’t necessarily have to be bold and clear. They can be subtle, and you really have to understand what is happening.

Now I m not saying that you need to get paranoid. But just be smart and understand your employer’s or co-workers’ dynamics.

And never ignore your gut feeling. Trust me; your conscious will know when things are wrong.

Plus, if we talk about discrimination, it can be based on your race, religion, caste and creed. And you can be a victim of personal harassment at the workplace.

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So How Do I Make It Stop?

The first and foremost thing to do is relax. You need to breathe and think with a relaxed mind. Otherwise, your decisions can go haywire.

If you’re facing personal harassment, inform your HR. They are responsible for making things suitable for you.

Also, you can report it to local authorities or post it on social media if things go out of hand.

Closing Thoughts

Personal harassment is not something to be afraid of at the workplace. You need to voice it out immediately. Because if you don’t respect your boundaries, no one else will.

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Erum Ali
Erum Alihttps://mbeforyou.com/
She is a graduate of human resource management. She has several years of working experience in the human resource management sector. Currently, she is doing resource development and management for one of the leading fintech companies. Her role is to complement the recruitment process with strategic human resources consulting to promote long-lasting professional relationships.

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