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Apart from the many religious events taking place in the world & in Canada that includes Easter Day, Good Friday & Christmas Day. The Ascension Day will be falling on the 26th May this year. It’s a famous day falling on the 26th of May. Hence, while it’s not that famous in terms of the celebrations in Canada & internationally.

Holds key importance levels in terms of the following of the day that holds immense religious prestige. This is according to the teachings of the holy bible. It’s the commemoration of Jesus Christ, the prophet of Christianity into heavens. That is, according to the Christian beliefs. It occurs as a celebration that takes place 39 days after Easter celebrations. Hence, known internationally by multiple names, that includes Feast of the Ascension & The Ascension of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, Ascension Thursday, Holy Thursday or finally Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. A very important day for Christian countries. These are countries that includes Canada, Germany, Sweden, U.K., Italy, United States & Spain.

It is followed as a Christian holiday that is a public holiday in many Christian countries. These countries includes Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, and some more. However, in many Christian dominated countries in the world it’s not a holiday. Having said that, it’s an event that is celebrated with passion & compassion for the prophet Jesus Christ. A day that gives people a sense of satisfaction. Furthermore, the accomplishment & love for the religion. Finally, self-actualisation in terms of worldly & religious goals. The feelings of the pain taken by Jesus Christ and the way Christ departed from the world. On this day, the realisations are far more in terms of the sacrifices of Jesus. Another day filled with all the emotions for the love of Christ.


It is celebrated as one of the earliest Christian festivals. Hence, as Ascension Day marks the end of the Easter season. The religious event is followed by the Catholics. Also, the Anglican Christians. However, for most of the Protestant Churches in the world, the event is not followed as a tradition anymore. In fact, the date also differs in many geographical locations. Particularly, as the western Churches prefer the calculations. These calcualtions are based on the Gregorian calendar for the calculations of this date.

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This is according to the Christian beliefs in the New Testament that for at least 40 days Jesus Christ stayed with his Apostles. That is, the primary Disciples of Christ. This is after the Jesus Christ’s crucifixion on Good Friday. Obviously, means that the Ascension of Jesus Christ to heavens took place after a period of at least 40 days. Hence, that’s why it is celebrated after 39 days from Easter celebrations.

However, according to the key time lines in the 19th Century, Germany celebrates with colourful parades. Hence, as a gesture to replicate the way the Apostles walked with Jesus. The Christians begin to host colourful parades as commemoration. The history, i.e. the past events in the timelines. Further, according to the beliefs of Christians it adds up in their list as a sacred day. A day that is filled up with celebrations. It’s the spirituality that relates to the Ascension according to the books. Something, which counts for many believers of Christianity the world over.


Ascension Day is a sacred day that is followed by Catholics around the world. But, the most interesting happening is that it’s a declared public holiday. Especially, in countries that includes France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Finland & Indonesia. Also, includes Luxembourg and the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden & finally Vanuatu. However, it’s not a public holiday in United Kingdom, USA, Canada and Australia. These are the countries where most of the population are Christians, but still it’s not a public holiday. In Canada, however the day is followed with religious pride and love for Christ in almost all provinces. Especially, Quebec, the French-speaking province of Canada.


Its quiet ironic that on this sacred day people do visit the Church as part of their religious proceedings. Hence, while they also recite the bible as well. People who are religious and emotional for Jesus, also listen to hymns. This is as a traditional part of the Ascension Day celebrations.

There are some variable observances in different parts of the Christian dominated nations. In the Scandinavian giant Sweden people go on early morning walks. Hence, as many people go out in the woods from 3 am or 4 am to hear birds at sunrise. The British in many parts of England celebrate the sacred day by beating the willow. The Welsh don’t work on this day, as it’s more than a holiday celebration for them. The Portuguese celebrate it traditionally by keeping the wheat in their houses.

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However, as a gesture of love for the minority. The sacred day it’s a declared public holiday in Indonesia, a Muslim dominated Asian country.

Beliefs matter for many people all around the world. But, for many it’s just another religious day. However, the Ascension Day which is falling on 26th May in Canada this year.  is a day of goodness for many Christians. It’s not only part of their religious beliefs. Hence, also shows their love & compassion for the prophet of Christianity, Jesus Christ.

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